Tag : creative
Besides the knowledge imparted by the presenters, the best part was being around so many other writers. It was very energizing and encouraging.
On four consecutive Saturdays we’ve met at various locations and spent three hours capturing images of whatever took our fancy.
Pictures of me rarely show how I see myself in my mind’s eye. My challenge is to capture a self-portrait that I feel actually looks like me.
While not every topic lends itself to storytelling, there are some that allow me to imagine myself as one of the travelers.
Although I resisted pursuing a niche, I find I have unintentionally become a cruise travel writer. All in all, it’s a pretty nice gig.
Perhaps the best benefits of this job will be learning from my research, and improving my writing skill through constant practice.
It’s easy to complain that you don’t have time for art. Cutting out unproductive media gives you that time. It is just a matter of priorities.
Developers of the new travel guide app, Desti, sought out Tamara Muldoon, a travel writer and Oregon tourism expert to help create its content.
The Pacific NW Travel Writers Conference, better known as Travel & Words, was held in Seaside, Oregon on March 17-18, 2013.
March 2013 Editorial Photography Workshop: Joni Kabana and Leah Nash lead ten participants in shooting photos for a 1859 Magazine article