Tag : emotion
Seeing these historical landmarks made me proud to be an American. One is reminded of the cost of our freedom, and how very precious it is.
Why is that you can spend the greater part of your life with someone, and yet never tell them how you truly feel about them?
On October 28th, 2012 I was running from Hurricane Sandy, trying to escape New York City before it hit. This blog entry is about that experience.
Accidents can happen when you travel, but you always think it won’t happen to you. We should expect the best, but prepare for the worst.
Take a leap of faith. Move through fear. Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes. Each step forward makes the next one easier.
Yesterday afternoon I felt honest-to-God joy. It’s been awhile. Making an abrupt transition from a lifetime of full-time work for others to being self-employed left me feeling a bit unsettled. I’m doing what I want to do, but still dealing with angst about not bringing home a larger paycheck and worrying about all the “what […]